after work friday i headed to to the gym and had a quick snack on the way- a
dr. kracker sunflower cheddar flatbread.

you can actually see the melted cheddar on the cracker :) sooo delish- another homerun for
dr. kracker!
i did a quick 15 minute run on the treadmill (as a warm-up) and then did 45 min of strength. geez after not doing strength for over a week my arms had already lost some power!
dinner was a mug of
amy's lentil soup...

this was my first time having the lentil soup (we all know i'm a fan of the veg barley!!) and it was sooooooooooo delicious! amy's never fails me. on the side i had a piece of flax toast with (drumroll pleasssseee...)
PUMPKIN BUTTER! yes my loves, i
FINALLY got my hands on some! it is sooo hard to find pumpkin butter without hfcs, but i finally found some at
fresh market!

i had another o face when i had my bed time snack...

deep chocolate vitamuffin :) nom nom! i had a quiet friday night at home with ollie watching scary movies- doesn't get much better!
saturday was a HoT and HuMiD halloween in florida! there were sooo many warnings on the local news to make sure and not overdress your children in their costumes because there was a chance they could get heat stroke. poor kids. i'm so over this weather. is it possible to be sick of the SUN?!? i would killllllll for a dreary, cold day! asap PLEASE!
since i knew i wasn't dressing up that night (i was the only one at my house so i had to hand out candy- no partying pour moi), i decided to semi-dress up for work. i put together a sorry attempt at a rhianna-ish outfit (current elliot cloud wash jeans, forever poufy shoulder top, chanel cuff, balenciaga heels).

don't laugh- i know, i'm white.
saturday morning was fairly quiet at work so obviously i ate my morning snack out of boredum...

love me some
LUNA! i also had some
crack- aka

i seriously could live on this stuff. and yes, i am eating it straight out of the container- i'm just classy like that.
i had packed a yummy lunch (aka pb&j), but forgot it at home. i don't function properly in the morning. i scoured the menu folder at work and decided i would treat myself (as it was halloween and diabetics shouldn't have candy). egg salad and a diet pepsi :)

holy moly- this ROCKED!
ollie (the pumpkin weenie) and i only had ONE tricker treater! okay well we may have had a few more but after the first i was over it and left out the bowl on the "honor system". when i removed it later that night there wasn't much missing. ugh- i don't want that many almond snickers lying around my house! ollie quickly pooped out...

please excuse his yucky looking manly parts. we need to get those taken care of.
jon and i decided to go see saw vi, so i whipped up a quick mug of pumpkin oats (with pumpkin buttttter!!!).

no measurements for this one- i just threw it all together. YUMMM!
the movie wasn't too "scary", but it was insanely GRUESOME!! the perfect way to end our halloween night. okay i also may have ended the night with one too many snickers. bad bad diabetic. needless to say i wasn't feeling to well in the middle of the night.
yesterday was the best day off i'd had in a long time. jon and i slept in (yay!) and then met friends at the beach club for lunch and pool time. another hot and sunny day. for lunch i had a whitney cobb salad with spinach, carrots, cukes, chicken, egg, bacon (couldn't resist), and toms with a sherry dressing. twas delish.
after about an hour or so by the pool we decided to go out on our friend sam's boat and go fishing! i haven't been boating in forever! i forgot how much i loved it! we spent the afternoon and into the evening on the river. it was GORG out! the sunset was beautifulllllll :)

we got in from the boat around 8 and headed to jon's parents for dinner- pork chops, salad with fresh shredded beets, and a sweet potato. another fabulous meal. i was STUFFED. with lots of bad eating and no gym this weekend, i feel gross. time to get back on track.
well, it's monday again- ugh. oh well, at least GOSSIP GIRL is on tonight :) back to work. ta ta lovies.