tuesdays lunch-

pb & j on flax and raspberrriiieesss (yes, i ate them ALL- so fresh and delish!)
gym for 70 minutes of cardio, followed by a MUCH needed pedi...

i forgot to bring my own polish (i was planning on chanel vendetta, which is a dark purp), so i found the closest color they had. yay for polished feet!
tuesdays dinner-

after having our legs and feet pampered, mom and i went to our fav mexi restaurant and split these amazingggg pork tacos with lots of guac. nom nom. i LOVE mexican food SO much- but alwayssss have a food baby afterwards (no matter how much or what i eat). blahhh. i've been feeling this one for the past few days. boo.
wednesday's lunch-

suprise, suprise! another pb&j- this one with chia seeds. i don't think i could ever get sick of this.
spent the afternoon at the gym for 80 min of cardio (65 on treadmill and 15 on bike)...

obviously you can see there was no running involved- okay maybe a few minutes here and there, but it was mostly speed walking on an incline.
after the gym i was ready for an afternoon snack so i hit up my goodies from
dr. kracker :)

i tried them with jalepeno hummus and swiss cheese (HELLO nothing beats cheese and crackas!)...

okay the more dr. kracker products i try, the more i fall in love with them! these crackers were soooo crunchy and had the most amazing nutty flavor. i also love that these crackers aren't salty. i cannot wait to try the rest of my goodies!
dinner was a quick and easy collabo by momma sue- rotisserie chicken (which i dipped in hummus), sauteed califlower (YUM!), and the most amazing mini pumpkin muffins.

okay now usually i'm not a fan of store bought baked goods- i can make them better myself and not add so many bad ingredients. BUTTTT i have now found an exception (well, momma sue found them)- atlanta bread company's mini pumpkin muffins that mom found at sam's club. they aren't overly sweet and taste sooo homemade. i know there are only two on my plate, but i totes ate fourrrrrr :) muhahaha.
i also had an orange.

i don't have many pictures of yesterdays eat. this lazy butt forgot to take pics. lunch was an oats & chocolate
fiberone bar and a cup of cottage cheese with chopped nuts and a few slices of a naner. i just read the ingredients of the fiberone bars and realized they have hfcs in them so i am going to try and pass on those in the future. afternoon snack was a few
dr. kracker seeded spelt snackers with cheese.

loveeeddd these ones too- these had lots of sesame seeds on them, which i adore :)
gym was 70 minutes of treadmill, bike, and elliptical. i've been slacking on strength this week- i need to fix that!
i also hit up the spray tanning booth just in case i decided to dress up on saturday- homefry is looking quite casper-y these days.
din was a
southwest sunshine burger (the last! booo hoooo) on an arnolds sandwich thin (my first!) with melted light swiss and jalepeno hummus...

i toasted the arnie and it was absolutely delish. i may or may not have snuck into the halloween candy and had two mini hershey bars ;)
TGIF!!! finallllly!!! geez this has been a long week (and post- sorry! is anyone still reading by now?!?)...
today started off with...

girl scout thin mints!!! ooops- i mean a
chocolate peppermint stick LUNA bar. i swear these taste just like thin mints! YUMMMMMMM! and no hfcs :) yippee!
today i am sporting some fabulously flashy friday flats! say that 10 times fast ;) but seriously, how FAB are these
swarovski encrusted
giuseppe flats?!? loveeee these babies.

why does my left leg look tanner than the right? haa gotta love splochy spray tans.
okay my pretties i am off to find some lunch and get back to work. yayyy for it ALMOST being HALLOWEEN :) au revior.