friday's lunch was half of an egg salad sandwich with lettuce and tomato that i split with one of my co-workers. i was so hungry that by the time i thought to take a pic- it was gone. oopsey daisy. we also split a banana chocolate chip cupcake for a late afternoon snack but it tasted more like a muffin than a cupcake. twas very strange.
did 60 minutes of cardio at the gym (bike and treadmill) and 20 minutes of strength. mom called me as i was walking out of the gym and said she wanted to see "couples retreat" and it started in 5 minutes so to meet her at the theatre. yes, i went to the movies in my gym clothes- sweat and all. classy, i know. she was late (as usual), so i quickly ran into hooked on subs to grab a salad to take into the movies with me (it's right next to the theatre- perfffeccct!). the movie was stupid and silly, but i enjoyed it, and my salad of course (and you KNOW i had some of momma sue's popcorn) :) i DEF want to go to bora bora asap (where the movie was filmed). when i got out to my car after the movie, there was the bigggggest grasshopper on my windshield- they are a sign of good luck!!! yay!!! perhaps i should start playing the lotto? haaa

saturday was a pretty busy day at work- yay :) i had a gnu bar for lunch...

LOVED this flavor!!! veryyyy orangey :) nom nom.
had dinner at grammy's with mom. 3 generations at the same table- always a good laugh!!! i had a small salad to start and then had the prime rib with sauteed eggplant and a sweet potato. i wasn't too hungry (very strange because all i had eaten all day was the gnu bar), so only ate about half of everything. deffff ate all of my eggplant though. i also had about 3 bites of red velvet cake that gram had for dessert. DeLiSh!
sunday morning looked like this...

it was actually CHILLY out (in the 60's)- so ol and i cuddled for most of the morning :) doesn't get much better than that!
mom and i went to brunch at our fav little hole in the wall diner- kountry kitchen. breakfast was an egg white omlette with tomatoes and cheese...

and lots and lots of coffee :)
we then had a mother daughter day and goofted around (aka hit up marshalls, dillards, albertsons, and publix haha). we def needed some groceries, so picked up this...

coffee, dish soap, apples, a pear, an ugly tomato, cottage cheese, rachel's yogurt (vanilla chai and lavender honey), vitamuffins, butternut squash soup, green beans, and a can of pumpkin.
after i dropped mom at home, jon and i took a nice 30 min bike ride (loving this cooler weather) and then did a nice 30 min run. we then went to his parents house for chili! yum yum!
once i got home my night looked mostly like this...

yes, that is the kitten (now named waldo). yes, he is in my AMERICAN GIRL wheelchair that i randomly found in a closet (ha). yes, i wrapped his leg in tp to look like a cast for no reason. and yes, i took a pic of all this. who am i? how old am i? and why do i find this funny? WHO KNOWS! lol that was my sunday evening...
this morning came way too quickly. bye bye weekend. at least it was still chilly out this morning, and you know what that means...BOOTS :) yes, i am wearing boots in low 70 degree weather. don't hate. todays boots are black chanel riding boots- TDF!
lunch was a salad from chesleas- romaine, chickpeas, edamame, red cabbage, egg, cheese, chinese noodles w/ a blood orange vinagrette. not too good today. i probably ate 5 bites and threw it away...and then stole some of andreas french fries. i need to stop all of this picking! a few fries here, a bite of cake there. not good! i need to work on that asap!
i'm off to the gym after work and then dinner and GG :) adios amigos!